On April 11, Amina was yet to absorb the shock of communal violence happened a day ago only. She was crestfallen to see the people living in harmony lobbying tirades and attacking each other in the name of communal politics. But the day after violence, bulldozer injustice tore down her mental peace. The building owned by her, which also housed a small bakery, was reduced into rubble by the state administration. Her bakery was the only source of livelihood for her family members and the bakery workers .

Disconcerting as she was, along with her family members; they were glaring at hunger ridden days ahead. With administration, saddled with delivering justice, played villain and plummeted their life to outright penury. When Miles2smile visited her she was inconsolable and sobbing profusely. The fate befallen on her was writ large on her face.

Still gathering her nerves, she was not ready to give up. After navigating through various quagmires of life she was determined to fight back. She was in dire straits as no hope was seen on the horizon. She just wanted the seed money to rebuild her life and was confident of fructifying her dreams. With the 5 lakhs provided by Miles2Smile, she was able to move forward with staggering legs and a galloping mind, personifying a heroic figure. Amina flew like phoenix from ashes. She was successful in getting her bakery completely reconstructed and is now providing employment to many.

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