Pledge Once, Donate Every Month

Over the past years, we have transformed countless lives of hate and crime into narratives of love and kindness. Guided by our vision—"to create a world where everyone has a reason to smile"—our team has worked round the clock, risked their lives, and traveled to violence-affected areas to support survivors in rebuilding their lives and smiles. However, we are currently experiencing a shortfall in funds to meet our administrative expenses.As we embark on a new year and a fresh chapter of our journey, we humbly seek your support to help cover our administrative expenses. These include travel and other essential activities crucial to fulfilling our mission.To ensure sustainability, we have introduced a recurring monthly donation, where you pledge an amount once, after which the specified amount (pledged amount) will be automatically deducted every month. The amount can be as small as Rs. 100. Your contributions will directly fund the operational costs that enable us to continue making a meaningful impact. Meanwhile, the safety of our donors is our top priority. We are committed to ensuring the security and confidentiality of your bank details.If you can assist, please set up a donation using the attached standing order details.


Pledge Once, Donate Every Month

Personal Info

Donation Total: ₹1,000.00 Monthly