Expired on234 days left
Current₹1.72 lakh
Target₹4.5 lakh
Miles2Smile Foundation
Miles2Smile Foundation

As the fresh morning breeze of July 15 swept through Bhaiswahi, a village 30 km from Mandla, Madhya Pradesh, the howling of bulldozers, the tap-tap of boots, and the furious noise of armed paramilitary forces woke the sleeping residents.

One, two, three… 16 homes were brought down by the bulldozers within the span of an hour. No one in the village dared to speak up or later comfort those who were evicted from their homes. The reason given for this brutality was cow-killing; those families were accused of storing beef in their refrigerators.

After the incident, we visited the victims and heard their heart-wrenching stories of lost homes. “Every brick in our home was precious,” sobbed a woman with her small children left without a roof. Her eyes cried for help—what kind of humans are we if we cannot offer a hand?

We have decided to rehabilitate five of these families, doing our part to fight the storm of misery that has swept away their happiness.

Cost of building 1 temporary structure= Rs 90,000
Cost of building 5 structures= Rs 4,50,000

We need your help to bring smiles back to them. This is one of those opportunities that may bring you peace for your entire life and beyond.

We are in. Are you?

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Donation Total: ₹1,000.00